Think South: How We Got Six Men and Forty Dogs Across Antarctica

Trans-Antarctica Soviet team member Victor Boyarsky. @Will Steger photo by Frances Latreille

Chapter 11: Victor and Dmitry

Victor had a handshake to crush the strongest adversary and a heart to melt the direst cynic. He learned English quickly and well enough to provide glue for the team, a group of resilient loners needing assurance they were not really alone; well enough to write rhyming poetry for every occasion; well enough, finally, to serve as interpreter for Soviet bureaucrats, mechanics, pilots, and scientists; well enough to make everyone who ever met him wish they could stay just a little longer and hear just a little more.


Video: short clip of Victor leading Jean-Louis’s birthday song in the tent (minute 9:19).

Recent Russian review of Think South, which includes large excerpts from Victor Boyarsky's diary/book about the expedition. Can be read through Google translate.

Website: Victor Boyarsky’s first tourism company, Vicaar.

Website: State Museum of the Arctic and Antarctic, in St. Petersburg.

Website: Dmitry Shparo’s Wikipedia biography.

Website: The Adventure Club, Dmitry Shparo’s tourism website.