Christian de Marliave (Criquet) stamps letters for friends and sponsors with a South Pole stamp. Photo © Will Steger
Think South: How We Got Six Men and Forty Dogs Across Antarctica
Chapter 7: Criquet
Criquet stole faxes, Criquet stole facts and sent all of the information up to me, confident in my ability to ruffle my most righteous feathers and talk my way to a fairer deal. But he swore me to secrecy, afraid files would be locked, faxes better hidden, should they know that Criquet gave me access. I had to use my ill-gained information to fortify my own strategy and logic without letting on what I knew or how I knew it.
Wikipedia: About the Akademik Fyodorov
Video:Time-lapse video of 24 hour sunlight In December, the time the team reached the South Pole.
Video: Christian de Marliave (Criquet) recounts the history of exploration in Antarctica (in French)
Video: Jean-Louis’ English description of his balloon ride across the Arctic (minute 58:40).
Website: The ship, now the Tara, today: still doing scientific research and outreach.
Wikipedia: Biography of Bernard Buigues (Stef)