Backyard Haiku Week # 5

My goal is to write one haiku per day this year, starting on the day before the inauguration. It is meant to be both inspiration and distraction. We’ll see how long it lasts.

Gray skies, storms ahead.

Today’s weather and headlines,

Sadly, coincide


Lying in the dark

I hear two cats cavorting

Through the rooms below


The power’’s still out,

Winds shake the bones of this house,

We snuggle in bed


Three nights in the dark

Grateful it’s temporary -

No heat… no WIFI!


Wrapped in a blanket

I sit by the fire and think

Of the pioneers.


Just for a minute

I stop taking for granted

My beautiful life.


When the wind dies down

It's the fox’s howls we hear

Coming through the trees


Think of the critters -

Lightening bugs and butterflies -

Lying here, asleep!
